Dr. Wuletaw Chane’s Profile and Initiatives
Dr Wuletaw Chane, The medical service vice provost of St Paul’s Hospital millennium medical college, an associate professor of surgery, consultant general and HepatoPancreaticoBiliary surgeon, is not only a doctor but a hard working and devoted leader who has dedicated more than 16 years of service to the hospital in different roles such as dean of students for the hospital college and saw through the transition of the hospital from a general hospital to its current status as a medical college, worked as director of emergency and critical care service for more than a year followed by two years of service as the academic and research vice provosts and as the co-founder and director of the millennium Covd-19 center during the pandemic. His unwavering dedication to providing a quality health care service shines through his contribution in the promotion of quality improvement initiatives and projects within the hospital.
Through it all he is still a dedicated doctor who gives his patients his all by going above and beyond the call of duty while being committed to his role as an educator with students from undergraduate to postgraduate and fellowship programs gaining access to his years of accumulated knowledge and skills.