St. Paul’s opens new ICU

The New ICU at St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College is a locked, 14 bed, self-contained unit including duty rooms for 24-hour physician presence, a large supply and dirty utility rooms, offices, male and female changing areas, staff bathrooms, shower, and a full-size break room. The unit was designed according to international dimensions. This spacing allows for full clinician access during resuscitation and other procedures without encroaching on an adjacent bed area.

The beds which will populate the ICU are 1st world, ICU specialty beds with functionality catering to critically ill patients. The overhead multi-function lighting is capable of providing both low level, as well as super high level lighting necessary for bedside operational procedures.

An attendant waiting area is located outside the locked confines of the unit. An intercom system will allow visitors to communicate with the staff, thus controlling inappropriate visitation and promoting patient safety and confidentiality

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