To all NIMEI candidates

Dear NIMEI candidates,

The final result and date of the interview is posted below following hand correction and verification of all answer sheets.

Click this link to see the final result

Please note the following points carefully.

  1. The date of the interview is on Sene 1, 2016 E.C.
  2. Be mindful to come according to your schedule. Either in the (Morning or Afternoon as indicated on your name’s row)
  3. If you have any APPEAL (compliant) on the newly posted results you may come to The HSEDC office and file your complaint after paying 400 birr on the following CBE account. 1000208431068

a. All candidates who paid for an appeal during the previous appeal process DO NOT NEED TO PAY AGAIN if they wish to go through the appeal process again.

b. Date of the complaint will be on Monday Ginbot 26 and       Tuesday Ginbot 27 2016 E. C.  9:00 am to 4:00 pm

  • +251 112 75 01 25
  • Gulele Sub-City, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia PO Box 1271