

To all NIMEI candidates

Dear NIMEI candidates, The final result and date of the interview is posted below following hand correction and verification of all answer sheets. Click this link to see the final result Please note the

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To all NIEMI 2016 candidates

Dear NIEMI 2016 candidates, We have been receiving questions about the exact date of the interview. Due to the high level of security and the time required for manual correction, the correction process is

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TO ALL NIEMI 2016 Candidates

Dear NIEMI 2016 Candidates, SPHMMC has a unique Policy of transparency while conducting high-stakes exams. A strong appeal system is a pillar of Transparency. Accordingly, 10 people came to have their exams checked and 8 of

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List of applicants accepted for interview

For all candidates who are accepted for interview Click the link to see the status of the interview The interview will be conducted at Saint Paul Hospital Millennium Medical College. Interview date Saturday Ginbot

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To all NMEI applicant

Written exam date: May 12, 2024 (Ginbot 4, 2016EC) Venue: Medhanialem Secondary School. Time: 8:30 AM (2:30 local time) Check your name and room with the link below See the Written Examination Instructions with

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St. Paul’s Postgraduate programs, particularly the specialty programs are designed to be competency based. Given the infancy of the Medical College, its swift expansion and innovative approach, the College is facing multiple obstacles. Many programs are experiencing a small shortage of faculty, while there is expert scarcity in several departments. In addition, while new staff are well selected and have excellent knowledge and skills, some require improvement in the less familiar aspects of their job, such as leading competency based teaching, running integrated curricula and conducting research. One of St. Paul’s core values is student-centered teaching, and as such mentorship programs have begun, which are very good and continue to strengthen. The college’s approach uses a combination of didactics, use of skills/simulation labs, actual attachment with patients for practical teaching and community attachments. Student assessments, particularly for postgraduates, are made by many staff including nurses and other health professionals.

The number and capacity of medical schools is massively expanding in the country while the post graduate programs remain very few, so the need to focus on expanding postgraduate programs is based on this perceived need.Based on its Balanced Score Card Strategic plan, St. Paul’s has created a vision of becoming a Medical University with a prestigious academic and research center, and sought after medical care. For this, St. Paul’s has identified three strategic themes which are: Excellence in Teaching and Research, Excellence in Service Delivery and Excellence in Leadership and Governance. The college has designed 11 strategic objectives to achieve this

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